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FALL 2009
Earnest Long, who was an NSF/AMP Scholar in the Lee Lab (Summer '09), wins Lubrizol 2010 Fellowship and Internship Award at NOBCChE for excellence in research. Congratulations!
Diya Lee (CBE '12) is a recipient of a Rachleff Scholarship. She will be continuing her research in Spring and Summer of 2010. Congratulations!
Daeyeon and Kwadwo make presentations at the 2009 National AIChE Conference in Nashville, TN.
Teresa Brugarolas, Jen Kunkel (PhD candidates, CBE) and Maj Dafinone (MS student, CBE) join the group. Welcome!
Daeyeon receives an MRSEC SEED grant. Congratulations! Link to Penn MRSEC website
FALL 2009
Daeyeon wins an NBIC Innovation Award. Link to NBIC website
Earnest Long, Jennifer Kay and Varesh Prasad successfully finish their summer research programs! Congratulations!
Dr. Myung Han Lee joins the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome!
The group makes an appearance on a TV program "the Science of Philadelphia" to talk about interesting wetting phenomena in nature.
Varesh is a recipient of a PURM (Provost's Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program) award. Congratulations!
Kwadwo successfully passes his qualifier. Congratulations!
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