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FALL 2012
December, Wonjae and Ayanna graduate from Penn with MS degrees. Congratulations!

November, Sarah Hann (CBE PhD student) joins the group! She will be co-advised by Prof. Kate Stebe. Welcome!

November, Jacob's paper "Avoiding Cracks in Nanoparticle Films" is one of the Top 20 Most Read Papers in Nano Letters for two consecutive months since its publication. Congratulations!
November, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Enhancing the Assembly and Mechanical Properties of Nanoparticle Films" in the Materials Science and Engineering Program at Texas A&M University. He also gives a special presentation entitled "Modulating Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Nanoparticles" to Profs. Lutkenhaus and Zacharia's groups during his visit to Texas A&M.
November, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Janus Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces: The Third Face of Janus Particles" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Rice University.
November, Jung Tae's paper "Enhancing the Performance of Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using a Mesoporous Interfacial Titania Layer with Bragg Stack" is accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon and Kwadwo make presentations at the 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting held in Pittsburgh. Daeyeon also receives the 2012 KIChE President Young Investigator Award in the KIChE-AIChE Friendship Symposium Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of KIChE.
October, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Programmable Microcapsules" at the 2012 EITA-Bio Conference held at Princeton University.
October, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops and Bubbles" at the 2012 Ivy Plus STEM Symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania.
September, Jacob's paper "Avoiding Cracks in Nanoparticle Films" is featured by Read "Just Say No to Cracks! Our work also has been featured by AIChE SmartBrief, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Penn News, Science Daily, Phys.Org, NSF, R&D Magazine, the Engineer, Materials Today, Eureka Alert, Science360, Azo Nano, System-Level Design, ScienceNewsline, Nano Digest, overclockersclub and Nano Daily.
September, Xinxin and Yun-Ru (CBE MS students) join the group. Welcome!

September, Daeyeon receives the 2012 KIChE President Young Investigator Award. Congratulations!
September, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Enhancing the Assembly and Properties of Nanoparticle Films" at the 2012 Innovation Day at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. Jacob makes a poster presentation at the same event.
September, Ayanna (MS student in CBE) joins the group. Welcome!

FALL 2012
August, Saibom Park from Prof. Kookheon Char's Lab at Seoul National University joins the group. Welcome!

August, Members of Soft Nanomaterials Lab particpate in the 2012 ACS Fall National Meeting in Philadelphia. Bum Jun, Sarah, Jacob and Lei present their work.
August, Lei's paper "Mechanical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition-Reinforced Nanoparticle Thin Films" is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations!
August, Daeyeon makes three presentations at the 2012 US-Korea Conference in Anaheim, CA. One of his talks is an invited talk in a Theme Session on the Nanoscale Science and Engineering.
August, Yan and Lakshmi graduate from Penn with MS degrees. Congratulations!

August, Will's paper "Facilitated Transport Enhances Spray Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Oppositely Charged Nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
July, Kwadwo is invited to attend the BEST (Building Engineering & Science Talent at Dow) Symposium hosted by The Dow Chemical Company in October. Congratulations.
July, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a beautiful day at Marsh Creek State Park hiking, canoeing and BBQing.

2012 Picnic 4-1

2012 Picnic 3-1

2012 Picnic 1-1

2012 Picnic 4-1
July, Daeyeon receives an NSF grant. This work is in collaboration with Profs. Soroush and Lau at Drexel University. Here is a press release regarding this collaboration. Congratulations!
July, Sang-Wook's paper "Controlling the Cell-Adhesion Properties of Poly(acrylic acid)/Polyacrylamide Hydrogen-Bonded Multilayers" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations!
June, Sarah Hammer from Dartmouth College joins the group. Welcome!

June, Soft Nanomaterials Lab makes several presentations at the 86th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium. Will, Fuquan, Bum Jun and Kwadwo make oral presentations, and Teresa and Jacob make poster presentations. Teresa wins the best poster award. Congratulations!
June, Fuquan's paper "Controlling the Stability and Size of Double Emulsion-Templated Poly(lactic-co-glycolic)acid Microcapsules" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
June, Yuri Choi from UNIST (Prof. Byeong-Su Kim's group) joins the group. Welcome!

May, Bum Jun's paper "Equilibrium Orientation of Non-Spherical Amphiphilic Particles at Fluid-Fluid Interfaces" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations!
May, Zhiyi Zhang (PURM Scholar) joins the group. Welcome!

May, Will receives The Stuart W. Churchill Individual Prize and the Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize. The Churchill Prize is presented to a student of the senior class in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with the most outstanding research/independent study report. The Hugo Otto Wolf Memorial Prize, founded by Otto C. Wolf in memory of his son, is awarded to that member of the senior class in each department of the School of Engineering and Applied Science who, during the senior year, by the thoroughness and originality of his or her work, meets with the greatest approval of the professors in charge. Congratulations!

May, Ankit passes the qualifying exam. Congratultions!

May, Varesh, Earnest, Chad, Diya, Greg and Will (former and current group members) graduate from Penn. Congratulations!


April, In collaboration with Dr. Bryant at Monell Chemical Senses Cetner, Daeyeon gives a Philadelphia Science Festival Science Cafe talk entitled "Don't Burst My Bubbles" at Frankford Hall (Philadelphia, PA).
April, Several current and former group members are admitted to leading PhD programs. Will and Yile will pursue their Ph.D. at Princeton. Chad, Greg and Varesh will join University of Delaware, Carnegie Mellon University and MIT (HST), respectively. Congratulations!


March, Teresa attends the award ceremony to receive her fellowship from the La Caixa Foundation. She is personally congratulated by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain. Congratulations!

March, Daeyeon makes two presentations at the 2012 American Chemical Society National Meeting. We congratulate Prof. Robert E. Cohen (Daeyeon's advisor) for receiving the prestigious Paul J. Flory Polymer Education Award . Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the symposium honoring Prof. Cohen.
March, Daeyeon gives a Science Cafe talk entitled "Beers, Bubbles and Beyond" at Stoney's British Pub (Wilmington, DE).
February, Daeyeon makes a presentation at the 2012 American Physical Society March Meeting.
February, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk entitled "Designer Drops and Bubbles" at the 2011 KSEA New England Chapter Symposium.
February, Yan Zhu (MS student) joins the Lee group. Welcome!

February, Dr. Zaki Estephan joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!

February, Daeyeon makes a poster presentation at Gordon Research Conference on "Colloidal, Macromolecular & Polyelectrolyte Solutions".
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab presents an exhibit at the Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day held at Drexel University.
January, Jung Tae from Prof. Jong Hak Kim's group at Yonsei University (Korea) joins the group. Welcome!

January, our paper "Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Program the Release Properties of Hollow Microcapsules" is featured in the Frontispiece of Advanced Functional Materials, Vol 22, Issue 1.

January, Lakshmi Madhavan (MS student) joins the Lee group. Welcome!

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