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FALL 2017
December, SMART Lab enjoys good food and drinks to celebrate the end of 2017.
December, Zhuo Chen from Tsinghua University joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
December, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT.
​​November, Katie and Daeyeon give presentations at the 2017 Fall MRS Meeting held in Boston.
November, Daeyeon, Neha and Tagbo (a former postdoc) participate and make presentations in the REACT Workshop & Networking Event held at the French Embassy in Washington DC.
November, Tagbo's paper entitled "Films of Bacteria at Interfaces (FBI): Remodeling of Fluid Interfaces by Pseudomonas aeruginosa" is accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. Congratulations!
November, Shizhao (CBE MS student) joins the group. Welcome!
November, Martin's paper entitled "Multifunctional nanocomposite hollow fiber membranes by solvent transfer induced phase separation" is published in Nature Communincations. The work is highlighted in a press release by Penn News. Congratulations!
October, Daeyeon delivers a plenary lecture entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" in the Bionanotechnology plenary session at the 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting in Minneapolis.
October, Xu joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be jointly advised by Profs. Shu Yang and Kate Stebe. Welcome!
October, Yiwei's paper entitled "Polymer Blend-Filled Nanoparticle Films via Monomer-Driven Infiltration of Polymers and Photopolymerization" is accepted for publication in Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. Congratulations!
October, Yankai from Harbin Institute of Technology joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
October, Xu joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be jointly advised by Profs. Shu Yang and Kate Stebe. Welcome!
October, SMART Lab participates in the 2017 NanoDay@Penn and showcases the science of microfluidics and nanotechnology to the visitors.
​​October, our lab adopts a new name "Soft Materials Research and Technology (SMART) Laboratory" to reflect our on-going work on the fundamental research and technology involving soft matter systems.
September, Prof. Li Yang from the School of Material Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology (China) joins the group as a Visiting Professor. Welcome!
September, Prof. Guanjun Chang from the State Key Laboratory for Environment-Friendly Energy Materials, Southwest University of Science and Technology (China) joins the group as a Visiting Professor. Welcome!
September, multiple members of our group participate and give oral/poster presentations in the 2017 Penn CBE Graduate Student Symposium.
September, Neha's paper entitled "Solvent-Driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations!
September, Sarah's paper entitled "All Aqueous Assemblies via Interfacial Complexation: Toward Artificial Cell and Microniche Development" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
September, Yang joins the Stebe and our groups. Yang recently received his PhD from Cambridge University. Welcome!
August, Brielle (Penn CBE, Class of 2018) joins the group. Welcome!
August, Daeyeon presents two invited talks at the 2017 Fall ACS Meeting held in Washington DC.
August, Laura's paper entitled "Rough Adhesive Hydrogels (RAd gels) for Underwater Adhesion" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
August, Kathryn and Griffin, along with the SURGG team, delivery their final presentation on the Active Coating-enabled Relief Tent.
August, Lara gives her final presenation at the REACT-Singh Center REU Research Symposium.
August, Vinson wins the 2nd place prize in the Rachleff Scholar poster presentation event. Congratulations!
August, Danielle (Harriton High School) joins the lab. Welcome!
July, Soft Nanomaterials Lab enjoys a summer picnic at Nockamixon State Park and bids a farewell to Laura who will soon join UMass Amherst as Assistant Professor.
July, Daeyeon and Jyo Lyn give presentations at the 2017 ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at City College of New York. Jyo Lyn participates in the Langmuir Oral Session as a finalist for the Langmuir Student Award.
July, Heon-Ho's paper entitled "Liter-scale Production of Uniform Gas Bubbles via Parallelization of Flow Focusing Generators" is accepted for publication in Lab-on-a-Chip. Congratulations!
July, Prof. Heon-Ho Jeong (a former postdoc at SNL) joins the lab as a visiting scholar. Welcome back!
June, Sarah's paper entitled "All Water Emulsion-Bodies (AWE-somes) with Permeable Shells and Selective Compartments" is accpted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!
June, Daeyeon receives a New Direction grant from ACS PRF. Congratulations!
June, with the Stebe Group, Soft Nanomaterials Lab holds a big farewell party for Laura, Tagbo and Sarah, who will be moving onto their new positions. We will miss you all!
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" at the 2017 Colloid and Interface Symposium (COINS 2017) held at SKKU.
June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" at the 2017 LbL Conference held in Seoul, Korea.
June, Sarah's paper entitled "Tuning interfacial complexation in aqueous two phase systems with polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles for compound all water emulsion bodies (AWE-somes)" is accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Congratulations!
June, Gang's paper entitled "One-Step Generation Salt-Responsive Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules via Surfactant Organized Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (SO NICE)" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations!
June, Sarah successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Hann!
June, Tagbo and Laura are featured on Penn CBE website highlighting the dynamic collaborative environmemt between the Lee and Stebe Groups.
June, Pang from Peddie School joins the group. Welcome!
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab welcomes multiple visiting scholars. Lara from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France) joins the lab. Kathryn and Griffin (both in Penn BE), who are affiliated with Summer Undergraduate Research Group Grant (SURGG), join the group. Vinson (Penn CBE), a Rachleff Scholar, also joins the lab. Welcome!
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a major lab clean-up and dispose of piles of old samples, obsolete equipment and chemicals. Afterwards, a farewell party for Harim is held.
May, Daeyeon receives the Soft Matter Lectureship Award. The Soft Matter Lectureship is an annual award that honours an early-career researcher for their significant contribution to the soft matter field. The recipient is selected by the Soft Matter Editorial Board from a list of candidates nominated by the community. Congratulations!
May, Soft Nanomaterials Lab has a strong presence at the 2017 Penn Polymer Symposium. Laura and Zhiwei give oral presentations, and Gang, David, Woo-Sik, and Wei-Han give poster presentations.
May, Laura, Wei-Han, David, and Woo-Sik give sound bites at MASM 18 held at Penn.
May, Katie and Renjing pass the qualifying exam. Congratulations!
May, Sarah participates in the PhD Hooding Ceremony. Congratulations!
May, Katie joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
May, Arthur joins the group. Arthur is an MS student in Penn MSE. Welcome!
April, Sarah gives an invited talk at the 2017 MRS meeting.
April, Daeyeon receives the 2017 S. Reid Warren, Jr. Award. This award is presented annually by the undergraduate student body and the Engineering Alumni Society in recognition of outstanding service in stimulating and guiding the intellectual and professional development of undergraduate students. Congratulations!
April, Daeyeon and Laura give invited talks at the 2017 Spring ACS National Meeting.
April, Prof. Jongnam Park from UNIST joins the group as Visiting Professor. Welcome!
March, Laura accepts an offer to join the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst as Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
March, Tagbo accepts an offer to join the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh as Assistant Professor. Congratulations! Click here for Pitt Department News.
March, Daeyeon, in collaboration with Prof. Kevin Turner (Penn MEAM), receives an NSF grant. Congratulations!
March, Wei-Han and Fuquan's paper entitled "Shape-Tunable Synthesis of Sub-Micrometer Lens-Shaped Particles via Seeded Emulsion Polymerization" is accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon, in collaboration with Drs. Composto, Fahkraai, Telhan and Field, receives a 2017 Summer Undergraduate Research Group Grant (SURGG) from Penn’s Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF) and the Provost’s Office. This grant enables high-achieving Penn undergraduates to participate in a research project "Active Coating Technology (ACT)-Enabled Relief Tents for Natural Disaster." Congratulations!
March, Daeyeon presents a lecture entitled "Emulsions (and Foams) Stabilized by Colloids" in the Short Course on "Polymer Colloids" at the 2017 American Physical Society March Meeting in New Orleans.
March, Yuanchi joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome!
March, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Bicontinuous Biphasic Emulsions for Potential Applications in Separations and Catalysis" in the 8th Eastern Mediterranean Chemical Engineering Conference held at Technion (Haifa, Israel).
February, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Shape-Changing Layer-by-Layer Actuators Powered by Water and DNA Toward Microrobotics Applications" in the 2017 Layered Polymeric Systems conference held at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, CA.
February, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Nanoporous Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films with Uniform or Graded Porosity via Undersaturated Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publicaion in ACS Nano. Congratulations!
February, Soft Nanomaterials Lab bids farewell to Heon-Ho who will soon start as Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Chonnam National University. Good luck!
February, Sarah, Jyo Lyn, Gang and Neha attend and give soundbite presentations at Mid-Atlantic Soft Matter 17 held at the University of Delaware.
January, Daeyeon presents a seminar entitled "Toward Scalable Nanomanufacturing Using Capillarity" in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of the Sceinces.
January, Yiwei joins the group. Yiwei is an MS student in Penn MSE. Welcome!
January, Je joins the group. Je is an MS student in Penn MSE. Welcome!
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