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FALL 2018

December, Daeyeon has been named a 2019 Penn Fellow. The Penn Fellows Program provides leadership development to select Penn faculty in mid-career. Congratulations! 


December, Yankai's paper entitled "Reversible aggregation and dispersion of particles at a liquid-liquid interface using space charge injection" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congratulations! 

December, David's paper entitled "Critical Contact Angle to Induce Capillary Rise of Polymers in Nanopores Does Not Depend on Chain Length" is accepted for publication in ACS Macro Letters. Congratulations! 

December, Giuseppe's paper entitled "Robust Bijels for Reactive Separation via Silica-Reinforced Nanoparticle Layers" is accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Congratulations! 

November, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Toughening Nanoparticle Films via Polymer Infiltration and Confinement" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations! 

November, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Toward Commercialization of Microfluidic Microparticles" at the Nano- and Micro-fluidics: Fundamentals and Applications Workshop held at the Lorentz Center in Leiden, Netherlands. 

November, Gang's paper entitled "Effect of Triblock Copolymer Surfactant Composition on Flow-induced Phase Inversion Emulsification in a Tapered Channel" is accepted for publication in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Congratulations! 

October, Daeyeon receives Service Recognition Award from KIChE US Chapter. Congratulations! 

October, SMART Lab enjoys a get-together with tasty food and drinks. The group bids a farewell to Gang, Yankai and Zhuo and also welcome Yupan, Jess, Joe, Joseph and Tian.


October, Gang successfully defends his thesis defense. Congratulations, Dr. Duan!


October, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Films and Membranes Using Capillarity" in the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 

October, SMART Lab welcomes 4 new group members. Jessica, Joe, Joseph and Tian join the group. Welcome! 


October, Yupan from Harbin Institute of Technology joins the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome! 


October, SMART Lab participates in the 2018 NanoDay@Penn and showcases the science of microfluidics and nanotechnology to the visitors. 

September, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar entitled "Harnessing Interfacial Phenomena to Manufacture Nanocomposite Films and Capsules" in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. 

September, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Towards Commercialization of Microfluidic-based Microparticles for Biomedical Applications" at the 4BIO Summit: USA held in San Francisco. 

September, Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Tufts University. 

September, Daeyeon presents an invited talk entitled "Towards Scalable Manufacturing of Nanocomposite Composites and Membranes Using Capillarity" at Air Liquide. 

September, SMART Lab has a strong presence at the 2018 CBE Graduate Student Symposium. Zhiwei and Neha make oral presentations, and Bharath, Giuseppe, and Katie make poster presentations. 

September, SMART Lab is a part of the Center for Sub-cellular Genomics that was recently granted from NIH. Congratulations! 


​​August, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the Fall 2018 ACS National Meeting held in Boston. 

August, Yun Kee joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Yun Kee recently received his PhD from POSTECH, South Korea. Welcome! 


August, Woo-Sik's paper titlted "Enzymatically Powered Surface-Associated Self-Motile Protocells" is accepted for publication in Small. Congratulations! 

July, a book entitled "Anisotrpoic Particle Assemblies: Synthesis, Assembly, Modeling, and Applications" edited by Daeyeon, Profs. Ning Wu (Colorado School of Mines) and Alberto Striolo (University College London) is published. 

July, Katie's review paper entitled "Engineering Theranostic Microbubbles Using Microfluidics for Ultrasound Imaging and Therapy - A Review" is accepted for publication in Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Congratulations! 

July, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the Advances in Cosmetics Formulation Design Engineering Conferences International (ECI) meeting held in Durham, North Carolina. 

June, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Effect of Physical Nanoconfinement on the Viscosity of Unentangled Polymers during Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations! 

June, Daeyeon particpates in the 2018 French-American Workshop and gives an Midi Minatec seminar at Minatec, Grenoble, France. 

June, Daeyeon gives an invited seminar in the Department of Macromolecular Science at Fudan University. 

June, SMART Lab has a strong presence at the ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium held at Penn State University. Jyo Lyn, Gang, Neha, David, Yang, Giuseppe and Xu make presentations. 

June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Capillary Rise Infiltration of Unentangled Polymers in Nanoparticle Packings" at the 7th China Soft Matter Day held at Sichuan University in China.

June, Daeyeon delivers a keynote lecture entitled "Nanoscale Interfacial Complexation in Emulsions (NICE)" at the 8th International Colloid Conference held at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. 

June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University. 

June, Daeyeon gives an invited talk entitled "Bicontinuous Biphasic Emulsions for Separation and Reaction Applications" at 2018 Colloids and Interface Symposium (COINS) held at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea. 

May, Anne joins the group as a visiting student from University of Grenoble Alpes - University Institue of Technology. Welcome! 


May, SMART Lab enjoys a beautiful day and lots of good food at Ridley Creek State Park. We bid a farewell to Katie, Michel and Jyo Lyn and also welcome new group members, Tim and Raj. 


May, Daeyeon gives an invited talk at the University Contacts Meeting at Lubrizol. 

May, Tim, Neha, Zhiwei and David make presentations in Penn Polymer Symposium. 

May, Tim joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Tim recently submitted his PhD thesis at the University of New Castle, Australia. He will be co-advised by Rob Carpick. Welcome! 


May, Raj joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Raj recently received his PhD from the University of Colorado-Boulder. He will be co-advised by Sandy Sehgal and Dan Hammer. Welcome! 


May, Wilfredo, Alex and Bharath pass the CBE qualifying exam. Congratulations! 



May, Jyo Lyn and Gang participate in the PhD Hooding Ceremony. Congratulations! 

May, Laurene joins the group as a visiting student. Laurene is a MS student at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma, France. May, Daeyeon presents an invited seminar in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. 


May, Stephanie joins the group as a visiting student. Stephanie is a PhD student at Alabama State University and a former REACT fellow. Welcome! 


April, Heon-Ho's paper entitled "Moldable Perfluoropolyether-Polyethylene Glycol Networks with Tunable Wettability and Solvent Resistance for Rapid Prototyping of Droplet Microfluidics" is accepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congratulations! 

April, Yiwei and Bharath receive the 2018 Master's Awards for their excellence in research. Congratulations! 


April, Jyo Lyn successfully defends her thesis defense. Congratulations, Dr. Hor! 


March, Jyo Lyn's paper in Soft Matter is highlighted on the Front Cover page. Congratulations! 


March, Daeyeon is highlighted as one of the Outstanding Reviewers for Soft Matter in 2017. 

March, Daeyeon visits Grenoble INP - Laboratorire Materiaux et Genie Physique (LMGP) and gives two presentations. 

March, Neha and Jyo Lyn give presentations at the 2018 APS March Meeting held in LA. 

March, Professor Michel Duits from University of Twente joins the group as Visiting Professor. Welcome! 


​​February, Daeyeon and Neha participate in the 2018 Gordon Research Conference on "Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solutions" in Ventura, CA. Neha presents a poster and Daeyeon leads discussions in the "Processing Colloidal, Macromolecular and Polyelectrolyte Solution" session. 

January, Jyo Lyn's paper entitled "Effect of Polymer-Nanoparticle Interactions on the Viscosity of Unentangled Polymers under Extreme Nanoconfinement during Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. Congratulations! 

January, Danny joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will be jointly advised by Prof. Russ Composto. Welcome! 


January, Daeyeon is appointed as the Director of the Rachleff Scholars Program

January, Haoyang (CBE MS student) joins the group. Welcome! 


© 2021 SMART Lab at the University of Pennsylvania

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