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FALL 2020

December, Minchul joins our group. Michul is a visiting student from SKKU. Welcome! 


November, Baekmin's paper entitled "Heterostructured Polymer-Infiltrated Nanoparticle Films with Cavities via Capillary Rise Infiltration" is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congratulations! 

November, CK joins our group. Welcome! 


November, Syung Hun successful defends his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Han! 


November, Yang's paper entitled "Scalable Synthesis of Janus Particles with High Naturality" is accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Congratulations! November,

Daeyeon visits and delivers a seminar in the School of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Southern Mississippi. 

October, SMART Lab has a strong showing at the 2020 Penn CBE Graduate Student Symposium. 

October, SMART Lab bids farewell to Molly and Tim. Thank you for your contributions, Molly and Tim! 


October, Daeyeon delivers an invited talk at 2020 MS&T Conference. 

October, Reem, Alex, Trevor, Anirban and Owen join our group. This is the largest first year cohort to join SMART Lab. Welcome! 


September, Syung Hun's paper entitled "Static array of droplets and on-demand recovery for biological assays" is accpted for publication in Biomicrofluidics. Congratulations! 


August, Tim's paper entitled "Sticky but Slick: Reducing Friction using Associative and non-Associative Polymer Lubricant Additives" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Congratulations! 

August, Min Jun joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. He will work between SMART Lab and Penn Dental School. Welcome! 


July, Daeyeon pens a faculty opinion piece entitled "Innovations in Membrane Technology for Water Treatment" in Issue 4 (July 2020) of Penn Water Center Newsletter.

July, Neha's paper entitled "Effect of Confinement on Solvent-driven Infiltration of Polymer (SIP) into Nanoparticle Packings" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations! 

July, Neha successfully defends her defense. Congratulations, Dr. Manohar! 


July, Joe is awarded this year's STLE Philadelphia Section Scholarship award. Congratulations! 


July, Joseph's paper entitled "Controlling the Emulsion Type Using Adjustable Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes" is accepted for publication in Langmuir. Congratulations! 


May, Daeyeon is appointed to the Evan C Thompson Term Chair for Excellence in Teaching. Congratulations! 


April, Arthur's paper entitled "Scalable Manufacturing of Hierarchical Biphasic Bicontinuous Structures via Vaporization-Induced Phase Separation (VIPS)" is accepted for publications in ACS Materials Express. 

April, Katie's tutorial entitled "Particle tracking of nanoparticles in soft matter" for publication in Journal of Applied Physics. It will be highlighted as a feature article. Congratulations! 

April, Lilia receives the prestigious NSF GRFP Fellowship. Congraulations! 


March, Li-Wei joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome! 


March, JaeHun joins the group as a visiting postdoctoral fellow from Yonsei University. Welcome! 


March, Giuseppe's paper entitled "Fabrication of Solvent Transfer-Induced Phase Separation Bijels with Mixtures of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Soft Matter. 

March, Jiyu from City University of Hong Kong joins the group as a visiting student. Welcome! 


February, Raj's paper entitled "Ultrasound Responsive Noble Gas Microbubbles for Applications in Image-Guided Gas Delivery" is accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials. 

February, Zhe joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome! 


January, Daeyeon presents an invited talk at the 12th Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop held at Manhattan College. 

January, Shannon joins the group. Shannon is a Rachleff Scholar in Penn CBE. Welcome! 


January, Xu's paper entitled "Scalable Manufacturing of Bending-Induced Surface Wrinkles" is accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations! 


© 2021 SMART Lab at the University of Pennsylvania

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